Are you ready to make positive changes in your life?

No matter where you are in the world, when you become a part of our online community our trainers make sure you have everything you need for a New You!

Our Tailored Fitness & Nutrition Plans, Online Community and Virtual Coaches help you achieve the best possible results in the shortest amount of time.

Our 2024 Summer Shape Up Challenge Kicks off October 1st 2024! Sign up now to get entered and take out that $1,000 (*gift card or voucher) First Prize!

Otherwise, keep reading to see everything you get as one of our members...

You are about to begin on a fitness journey like you've never taken before...

When we start with the MIND you'll find that it makes everything else easier.

We are not giving you a plan for temporary results... We are helping you to build habits to change your life forever. This plan is specifically formulated for you to get into shape and keep it that way for good.

(For those of you new to mindset training, our plans gently introduce you to these concepts and they take mere minutes a day to execute. Our programs are effective for absolute fitness beginners, through to people with an expert level of fitness knowledge.)

About Time... Someone who understands that real change begins in the mind. We all know how we pay for those gym memberships and never go.

It doesn't matter how good your nutrition and exercise plans are if you don't have your mindset right first. If you don't actually do what is in those plans they are as worthless as the paper they are written on.

Our system has been battle-tested over the last couple of decades and the thousands of clients our trainers have helped.

We'll give you everything you need to succeed! Our community support is there 24/7, and you have access to Professional Personal Trainers whenever you need them. Put us in your pocket and take us everywhere.

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life. The missing ingredient, the secret sauce, to real change starts with unlearning all the unhealthy habits you've learned over the years and simply replacing them with positive ones that serve your goal to be a happy human. We make it so easy for you that you don't even know you're doing it.

We Know Starting This Journey Can Be Difficult...

Starting a fitness journey can be one of the most daunting tasks you ever take on, but it will prove to be one of the most rewarding and beneficial things you've ever done in your life.

It may seem easy to just stay on the couch, but once you make the decision to begin your journey, things will get easier as you progress.

The key to all of this... consistent progress needs to be made in order to see results. Taking things slow and steady is the best way to approach it — we will set goals with you to help keep you on track.

Make sure that you stick to a routine and don’t miss days. Staying disciplined throughout your journey will be the biggest factor in getting to where you want to be.

Our Online Accountability Chat & Groups are an absolute breakthrough in the fitness world. They are our secret weapon when it comes to giving you all of the tools and support you need to succeed!

We give you everything you need to get started, and you become part of a community of like-minded people who all started where you are now.

The journey to becoming a healthier version of yourself will lead to immense physical, mental, and emotional rewards. So, don’t be afraid to take the leap and start your journey with us — we've got you and you won’t regret it!

And this is how

Our Infernoblast

''Fat Loss SYSTEM''

WILL get you the results you deserve when you stick with it.

You will see amazing results and you will see them in a short amount of time if you stick with our program. We'll be with you every step of the way.

The science behind this program is so effective that success is within your reach—just follow our guidance.

We've made it easy: follow our exercise routines and nutrition plan for 90 days, and you'll experience a life-changing transformation.

Discover how your body works and learn proven systems that deliver consistent, long-term, remarkable results. That's exactly what we'll share with you in this program.

We understand that losing weight and getting fit can feel overwhelming, but we hope you'll trust us throughout this journey.

Listen, when you combine the right type of training and the right type of nutrition, it's game over. Your body has no choice but to strip fat and tone up when you do things the correct way.

You are about to learn underground fat-burning secrets that elite bodybuilders, fitness models, and celebrities use to lose fat fast and keep it off year-round!

I get it... nothing else has worked for you long-term. Don't worry, I'm about to explain why that happens and why that isn't going to be YOUR reality anymore... so keep reading...

from this..

to this..

These Frustrations Sound Familiar?

  1. No matter what I try, I can't get this weight off and even when I do get some off, it comes back quick.''

  2. ''I am completely confused on how to diet. I think I'm eating clean sometimes, but I don't have a real system. I'm not sure exactly what portions or ratios are right for me.''

  3. ''I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired."

  4. ''Dieting is hard because I feel like it's so restrictive I can't maintain it very long. And then I gain all my weight back.. If not more.''

  5. ''Dieting only works for a little while and then it plateaus and I stop seeing results even though I feel like I'm starving all the time.''

  6. ''I don't know where to even start to get healthy.''

  1. ''Training is overwhelming. I walk in the gym and I'm not even sure where to start.''

  2. ''I've never once had the body I really want and it seems impossible to get there.''

  3. 'I need accountability and a good plan and I have neither! I need a really easy to follow diet and training program to help me stay motivated. Without that I can't make myself stay on track.''

  4. ''I know I should go to the gym so I do, but I basically go through the motions and leave because I hardly see any changes in the mirror.''

  5. ''I need some support, but I can't afford a personal trainer.''

  6. ''I really do want to get all this weight off and get in great shape, I just find it confusing and overwhelming. If I had a road map I'd gladly put in the work.'

We Get it... That's Why we Built ''Ultra Burn!" Those

Things Are NEVER Going To Hold You Back Again!

The Complete Program:

You will get everything you need from fitness plans, nutritions plans, mindset training, an accountability group, and a supportive community of like-minded people who all want to smash their goals.

This program was designed for men and women of all ages and skill levels who want to transform their body:

Our Health Goals Quiz will select the right plan for you based on your answers.

Convenient Mobile Access:

You will have your workouts in the palm of your hand. Take the workout with you to the gym and simply follow the plan. Never feel confused or awkward at the gym again.

Guaranteed Results:

If you follow our plan properly for 30 Days and don't get results, we will refund your cash 100%. This program is easy to follow and it flat-out works. We are that confident.

Ok...tell me more about this accountability concept?

A daily check-in for your first 30 days is all you need to help create new healthy habits...

At the end of every day for the first month, you need to check in to our Accountability Chat, or with your Accountability Group or Partner. We give you full instructions on how all of this works.

These Accountability Sessions are all about connecting people, with people. They are a short sharp format for you to show up, every day, and tell the other group members how your day went.

In many cases, we are breaking the bad habits of a lifetime and that doesn't happen overnight. This is what sets us apart from all of the other programs in the world and it is a crucial component to your success.

IMPORTANT! You have to be authentic in these groups or it doesn't work. If you ate a pie, tell everyone you ate a pie that day. If you missed your workout...tell everyone! But if you didn't eat that pie, and if you smashed your goals that day, everyone wants to hear about that too!

Fact: You NEED to start with working on your mindset , and when you conquer that, all other results will follow.

This is our SECRET SAUCE. Our Accountability Groups, mindset exercises, and our Private Facebook Community are going to give you access to a level of discipline you didn't even know you could tap into.

It's no good if you don't actually get off your butt and do it:

No one can do this for you, but what we can promise you is that our program is set up in such a way that you will have people to answer to each and every day. I have member after member telling me the Accountability Groups give them a level of motivation to hit their goals that they have never had before.

If you don't believe on the image and take a look at their reviews below. These are Genuine Trustpilot Verified reviews from some of our members:

So let's take a look at what's in your Ultra Burn Plan and what you get...


Does this mean I'm finished after 12 weeks? No it doesn't, it means our plans are focused on your first 90 Days which are the most important.

Every instruction in our plans are designed for you to reach your goals.

You will be getting a Mindset Mastery Guide, a Nutrition Guide, and a Home and Gym Workout Guide, along with many more extras.

Our system is a complete system designed to take your mind and body to levels you've never taken them before.

If you are willing to follow the program without missing steps…your body will drastically transform over these 90-Days.

  • Fast 30-45 minute workouts that get you in and out of the gym quickly.

  • Our workouts are built to be easily followed, and you will have a full support system to help along the way.

  • Short HIIT cardio sessions that rapidly accelerate fat loss and keep you burning fat for 48 hours after your cardio session.

  • Live Video sessions where you have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have. We also allow some members to jump in the studio with us to talk with us directly.

  • Take your workouts with you on your phone and follow along with ease.



Save money: Using our plans you can easily

build meals that don't cost the earth.


You don't have to be a robot.

You'll eat healthy, but you will still be able to enjoy your life and have fun like a normal person.


If you don't have time to meal-prep, then we have solutions for busy people on the go, with meal delivery service recommendations in New Zealand and Australia.


When it comes to supplements, we have you covered. Don't buy one thing until you read the guide you get with our plan. There are so many crap and/or dangerous supplements out there that do nothing but waste your money and harm your body.

There are also a handful of supplements that can have an important impact on speeding up recovery, strength gains, and toning lean muscle. We give you exactly what is important and tell you exactly which supplements are worth your money and time and which are not.

Do My Ultra Burn Plans Really work? Check these out...

We have helped countless people to transform their bodies over the years, just like below. This is the result after around 12 Weeks.

Will you be our next success story?

Here's what a few of our current members are saying...


Jon Scott

Awesome experience, communication is on point! Very knowledgeable and helpful, well thought out and delivered, setting you up for success!

MAR 21, 2024


Crystal Ford

Best program I have tried. Always having support to ask questions is super helpful and having the team there for encouragement is another bonus.

JUN 02, 2024


Luke Paenga

I have tried and failed many health programs in the past. The mindset work is everything. My energy levels have also been through the roof. Great product n highly recommend!!!!

JUN 13, 2023

And we have some pretty awesome reviews on Trustpilot too...

Your Ultra Burn Package!

Pillar 1 - Ultimate Guide to Mindset Mastery

This guide will take you through three easy mindset exercises you can seamlessly add into your daily routine. This is guide will be the key to your success!

Pillar 2 - Ultra Burn Nutrition Plan

Our nutrition plan is easy to follow and doesn't have you counting calories. Everything you need to know about losing weight will be in here.

Pillar 3 - Blaze and Tone Workout System

Our guide gives you descriptions, how-to videos, set and rep ranges. This guide has everything you need to know to get the most out of your workouts. This includes home and gym workouts.

Nutrition Tips

Because through my years of dieting and working out, I have had to master the art of these emails are my way of sharing some of my secrets and helping you kick old habits and build awesome new ones in their place.

Your Ultra Burn Quickstart Guide!

Everything starts in this guide. Read about the non-negotiable aspects of this plan and everything else you need to get started is in here.

Get This FREE Today To Complete The Package

These bonuses are only available for a limited time while we are still growing our brand. We're giving each and every member truckloads of extra value to make sure everyone has all of the tools they need to succeed.



Our Private Facebook Group is your Number 1 resource for help and support on this plan. We have certified personal trainers in there and a community full of people wanting to help and support you.


You get full access to our plans for

$9.80 per week

No shipping! Get our plans instantly on your computer, tablet, and phone.

© 2024 Infernoblast. All rights reserved.